Andy: We left nearly a complete crop of potatoes in the ground in Autumn last year. Our reason was the ground being too wet to dig. Oh how foolish. As if it was ever going to get any drier?! The thing is if we were to dig the crop back then, admittedly in the wet, at least we'd have been rewarded with some lovely edible spuds. Ok i know it's obvious but I didn't really appreciate, or perhaps turned a blind eye to the fact that we'd have to dig up the potatoes at some point regardless. So there I am just the other day digging heavy wet soil to collect lots if stinky soggy potatoes mixed with a few that are still just about edible.
I'm not great at maths but while I was digging I was thinking there must be a mathematical way to determine the level of stupidity involved in planting potatoes and not harvesting them until they are rotten. Key variables would be: -
- Time spent planting
- Time spent harvesting and sorting rotten from good
- Time spent cleaning and again sorting rotten from good
- Time at osteopath sorting bad back
- Money involved from start to finish
- Opportunity cost of dicking about with soggy potatoes rather than doing something more constructive
The answer would be something like: yes we are incredibly stupid, particularly me as i'm the one who does the digging from start to finish.
The problem is that we couldn't just leave the potatoes in the ground, not for the obvious reasons like disease and escapees interfering with next years rotation plan but because an Irish friend (who shall remain nameless but loves potatoes) was due down for a long weekend and it would be just plain rude to leave unwanted potatoes in the ground during her visit.
Come out come out wherever you are |
A stinking waste |
A few good ones amongst this lot |