Two days of work on the polytunnel and the cover is almost fixed tight. We are really grateful for the help given to us by Bill, Meg and Heather & Gwyn (Meg's parents) to get trenches dug, door frames fixed and heat tape applied. They all worked really hard so we're eternally indebted to them, we'll have to pay them off with lots of polytunnel grown veg next time they come to visit.
The weekend just gone Amy, Wayne and Charlie came down for the day while Beth & Andrew were visiting for the weekend. We got really lucky in that there was only a moderate breeze, some sunshine and everyone was willing to spend the day getting a massive plastic sheet tucked in around a 2.5m high metal frame. It was all a bit tricky, the breeze didn't help as the trick is to get the plastic fitted as tightly as possible. Time will tell if we managed to do a good enough job but again we're really grateful for all the help.
There she is |
Overgrown veg plot... oh the shame of it all. |
It frames the view very nicely don't you think? |
We finished folding and burying the ends of the polytunnel on Sunday, the only bits left to do are filling in one of the trenches and building and hanging the doors. We're working on the basis that a tunnel wont take off in the wind as the wind can blow straight through it and out the other end. Hopefully that's not an incorrect assumption. Feel free to comment if you know better...?
In all her glory, don't worry it will be shielded by hedges eventually. |